TUTORIAL – How to preview e-mails on PreviewMyEmail in combination with SendBlaster

Using PreviewMyEmail service from SendBlaster is very easy: just create a new list containing only your PME dedicated address (which you obtain after registering to the service) and send your mail to that list. Then, after a few minutes, login to the service and check the results.


Here is a detailed how-to:


1. Sign up to PreviewMyEmail – do not forget to enter your coupon to redeem your 10 free preview credits!

2. Please take note of your dedicated PreviewMyEmail address (something similar to inbox_username@Previewmyemail.com), which you will need later.

3. Open SendBlaster.

4. Go to “Compose Message” and design or import your e-mail.


SendBlaster message composing window


5. Select “Manage Lists” and click the “+” button to create a new list. Let’s name it “PREVIEWMYEMAIL”.

6. Add your dedicated PreviewMyEmail address (similar to inbox_username@Previewmyemail.com, see step2) to the list and click Save.


List preview


7. Select “Send” section and send your e-mail test.

8. Log in to your PreviewMyEmail account (i.e. inbox_username.previewmyemail.com).


PreviewMyEmail login


9. Select the e-mail you have just sent for testing.

10. After a few minutes you will see 20+ screenshots taken from all major e-mail clients on your browser. Click on them to get a full screen version of the e-mail previews.


Preview MyEmail


PreviewMyEmail Gmail message



Unfortunately, PreviewMyEmail does not support embedded images at the moment. This means that if you embed the images into the e-mail itself you will not be able to see them in their e-mail previews, even if they will show correctly on real e-mail clients.

If you want to preview images inserted in your e-mail on PreviewMyEmail, you should upload them online on your hosting server, and then add them to your message using an absolute path. (http://www.yoursite.com/images/logo.jpg). In SendBlaster’s Compose panel, click on the icon ( Image button ) , enter the absolute URL of your image previously uploaded online (without pressing the “Browse” button), and finally hit the OK button.


Here below are two PreviewMyEmail screenshots:

on the left > e-mail with images linked to a URL
on the right > e-mail with embedded images